What Else Can It Do ?
A ‘solar cookers’ primary roll is to cook or heat food however there are other uses, some even fun. (Some modifications may be required)
- •The ‘box cooker’ can be used as a Food drier.
- •A wood turner can dry his timber prior to using a lathe.
- •The parabolic can be used to make a fire by burning a piece of paper or a block of timber.
- •The most amazing and fun alternative use of a ‘parabolic’ dish is to convert it into a Spotlight or beacon for night time usage.
You might ask, how can I use a solar device at night. Well I will tell you. My ‘parabolic’ cooker, the one I manufactured from a disused satellite dish and made reflective by sticking 1000 small square mirrors (2cm x 2cm) to its concave surface, has a very precise focal point. By placing a light source at this point, a light bulb, the reflection is directed away in a stream of 1000 parallel light beams heading away in the same direction. I don’t dare tell you what effect it has on a target object 500m away however doing the calculations, 100 watt light bulb reflected 1000 times, does it equal to 100,000 watts?? Build one and experience the effect first hand. I do recommend this device to all farm people who need to spotlight for wayward farm animals or native wildlife.